What Is HTML & CSS In Web Development ? Some Introduction . - LearntoWeb

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Sunday 24 November 2019

What Is HTML & CSS In Web Development ? Some Introduction .

html 5 image


What is HTML  / HTML 5?

       HTML means That ( Hyper Text Markup Language ) . HTML Is use for make website pages.
HTML elements are use to create a web pages . In HTML element are denoted by TAGS Like This < > . There are two brackets First One is OPENING  TAG  <b> and second One is CLOSING TAG  .</b> .  In Short we start the code at  opening tag  and the end at closing tags.

 What are TAGS ?  
             HTML ELEMENTS  are start tags and end tags like recently tell about tags  .
     For Example:
                        <b> this is the html bold tags </b>
       Result: after put this code the heading become show bold we can say that browser show bold line
  Result show on Browsers:

        this is the html bold tags          
   Heading Tag : 
 Heading tags is use for give the heading with write the some artical .and give heading for example when write essay on any person give some and wite the name of person.
 Heading tags are ( h1, h2,h3,h4,and ,h4) 

                <h1> this is heading tag  one </h1>

                <h2> this is heading tag  two </h2>

               <h3> this is heading tag  three </h3>

               <h4> this is heading tag  four </h4>

               <h5> this is heading tag  five </h5>

   Save it file browse in browser then result will how like this:
 this is heading tag one

this is heading tag two

this is the heading tag three

this is the heading tag four

this is the heading tag five

General HTML Documents:

Some Explain About HTML
 1 .  < ! DOCTYPE html >   represent the documents to HTML 5
2 . < html >   this Tag is the root of HTML
3 .   lang        this tell that what is language of this documents 
<meta>      meta information about documents
5    charset    this Tags Tell character set about the documents
6   <title>    This Tags tell that what is the title documents
7 <body>    Tags tell who visible page content
8   < h1>      This Tag define the large heading
9   <p>       This tag show the paragraph

For More Information About Tags link on this link


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