Introduction To wordpress for beginners - LearntoWeb

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Sunday, 8 December 2019

Introduction To wordpress for beginners

Basics introduction About Wordpress:

Wordpress I famous and useful platform. Where people are mke our website without html long codes it waste of time and save the time. This software is very useful in save time and easily in use it. Wordpres has hundreds, thousands themes for wordpress website design. They are different types of themes different website like, travelling themes, fashions themes, gaming themes, other.  These are themes for design website and make beautiful .you make website most beautiful and attractive by using of wordpress themes. Secondly. You make beauty web content page, sidebar, footer and menus by widgets. Widgets work like a repairing .put all content page by drag and drop of your own choice.

Importance of the Worpress:
In developing wordpress is very important and famous in world. Basics importance in which I want share with you
1.    It easy to understand and in using.
2.    Wordpress easy design the website and quickly.
3.    Make easy to make the content design and beautiful it
4.    SEO friendly
5.    We work on website local host and live host which important for developers.
6.    Save much Prevent from waste of time.